Tag Archives: Ramona

Christmas Gift Guide for Kids, Girls Edition 2013

I’m so excited for this post, it’s my Gift Guide for Girls. I’m a girly girl, I just adore princesses and sparkles and pink. I’m aware that for some little girls that just isn’t their thing. I do have a few items that aren’t princessy, and if you need more options for little kids then check out my Gift Guide for Boys. I don’t have a little girl, but I do have the most precious nieces N. N. and A. so I just focused on what I know they would like.

Gift Guide For Girls

♥As I’ve mentioned many times before, Pajama’s are a traditional Christmas Eve gift in my family, and these Minnie Mouse ones are just too cute!

♥Movies are always a good gift. I picked The Little Mermaid because it was just released from the Disney Vault in October, and I know that I would like to have it myself. Plus Mermaids, Adventure and Magic are always a big hit for kids.

♥This pretty pink tea set is a perfect gift for a little girl. Even if she’s aged out of having Tea Parties (although Taylor Swift still has them, so I say we all can) they’d make a lovely decoration.

♥For your more girly girl I suggest anything Barbie, like this Barbie and Unicorn set, but if she’s a bit less princessy then Monster High has you covered there. I’m kinda fond of Frankie.

♥I’m a big fan of encouraging imagination and this Illustory kit is perfect. They get to illustrate and write their own books.

♥Speaking of books, I’m sure that you all know that I think Ramona Quimby is the absolute perfect role model for little girls. My husband bought me this set for Christmas a few years ago. Ramona gets into all sorts of adventure and all sorts of trouble. Another book series I adore that has a perfect role model is Madeline. Both would be perfect for the most princessy little girl, and even better for the little girl you know that always seems to be in trouble.

♥Board Games are a classic gift, and this Doc McStuffins game is a perfect update to the classic game Operation. I also think Doc McStuffins is a great role model for little kids, girls especially.

♥You all know that Emi-Jay Hair Ties are my all time favorite. This Christmas Oval Tin is absolutely perfect and I kinda really want it for myself.

♥For a video game I chose Just Dance Disney edition, which I’ll admit I kinda really want for myself. I’ve been meaning to buy one of the Just Dance games to add into my exercise routine (any exercise is better than none).

♥Last of all I picked this adorable outfit from Gymboree. I love the little boots and the Red Jacket and how adorable is that Reindeer top? It’s just all so precious.

I’m so in love with all of these things, but I will say that The Little Mermaid and the Emi-Jay Hair Ties are on my own wishlist. Which you’ll see for your own eyes very soon when I do my wishlist post.  Is there anything you think I’ve missed? What are you getting the little girls in your life?

Just Call Me Ramona

Considering all the Gift Guides and Wish lists I posted for Valentine’s Day, I bet you’re wondering what it was that my husband gave me. I know I mentioned before that we celebrate Valentines late, this year we celebrated it last Saturday. We got all dressed up, had a lovely dinner at the same place we had our first date, and went home where he gave me…

The Original Short Gloss Hunter Rain Boots in Pillar Box Red:

And the artistic shot:

Sigh, aren’t the gorgeous?

I immediately put them on with my fancy dress and said “Now I’m just like Ramona.”

I can’t tell you how excited I am about them. I have a whole post about how I’ve wanted red rainboots since I was little.

I’m so happy I’m kinda speechless. You’ll be seeing these and my Hunter Huntress boots in lots of upcoming Stylish Sunday posts this spring.

Blogmas Day 8: Top 8 all time favorite books

Since today is Saturday and I don’t have anywhere to be and my computer is still dead, I’m going to spend the day snugged up in my coziest sweater and just read all day. I haven’t decided what to read yet, but I’ll probably read an old favorite.

I actually have a lot of “old favorites” when it comes to books. That doesn’t mean I’ve loved every book I’ve ever read, some of them I’ve down right hated, but most of them I’ve liked and a few I’ve loved. Then there are the ones I’ve loved to their death, the ones I’ve had to repurchase because they fell apart. It’s probably going to be one of those books I choose for today.

Below I’ve listed my all time favorite books. I’ve cheated a bit as 2 of the “books” are technically series, but since they’re continuing the same storyline I count them as one story.

1. The Ramona Series by Beverly Cleary.

 I’ve loved this series since I was a child. I remember Ramona better than any other book character I’ve ever read, and if it weren’t for her, I probably wouldn’t love reading as much as I do. Also if it weren’t for these books I wouldn’t be so obsessed with Hunter boots, since it is Ramona that started my rain boot obsession.

2. Wait Til Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn.

 This was the book that got me into spooky stories. It’s about a blended family who move into a renovated church and what happens to them afterwards, focusing mostly on the children and a ghost. It really is creepy, almost too creepy for children.

3. The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury.

This book was a big part of my childhood. It’s what started my love of Autumn and Halloween. I’ve read it so many times I know the opening lines by heart. It’s another spooky book and it’s what really cemented my love of the spooky, creepy, mystery type books.

4. My Sweet Audrina by V.C. Andrews.

I remember my mother freaking out when she caught me reading this book in third grade. I believe she said it was too advanced for my age and that the book was going to give me nightmares. Actually by the time she’d caught me it was my second time reading it, and I hadn’t had any nightmares at all.

5. The Aunt Dimity Series by Nancy Atherton.

Normally, I’ll read a mystery series like this once and never touch them again so Iusually borrow from the library, but for some reason these were different. I adore everything about this series, I love where it’s set and the characters and just everything. I own them all on nook except the newest one, and I’m working my way through buying the actual books. The Aunt Dimity Series is probably my all time favorite book series.

6. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro.

I bought this book because I saw it in one of Fleur de Force’s videos and had never heard anything about it, but I thought it looked interesting and it was and now I love it. The is twisted It’s been made into a film too but I haven’t seen it yet.

7. The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides.

I love this book. I saw the movie first, then I found out it was a book and just had to buy it. I’ve read it so many times, the story is so compelling. This particular copy of the book will always be special because it was the first piece of mail I ever got at the house where I live now.

8. P.S. I love you by Cecilia Ahern.

 I love all the books I’ve ever read by Cecilia Ahern but this one is the best. It’s sad, and sweet and hopeful and it’s probably the mot romantic of all my books. As you’ve noticed I tend to err towards books that are dark, and this one has it’s moments but it’s also probably the best love story I’ve ever read.

I’ve lost count of the times I’ve read these books, the words are so familiar now they’re a comfort. I know you hear of books being like old friends, but it’s a cliche for a reason. It’s like walking down a familiar path, one that you can walk with your eyes closed, everything is just so and it will always be that way.

What are your favorite books? Not what ever is cool to be into right now, but your honest, loved to pieces, favorites?