I bought the Conair You Waving Wand the first time I got my hair cut because I wanted something really easy to use, but different from the Conair You Curl Infinity Wand which I’ve had since it came out.
I remembered that Fleur De Force talked about a curling wand like this in one of her videos, except hers was the Babyliss one, so I decided to try it out. The first thing I did when I got it was throw away that 3 fingered glove thing because even though I haven’t ever burned my fingers with the Infinity Wand, I did manage to burn myself with this wand using that glove. Since I got rid of it though I haven’t had a problem.
The main reason I purchased the Conair version instead of the one from Remington is because of the heat settings. I had a bad experience with someone curling my hair that caused me to have to get my hair cut in the first place. I only use this set to the 330 or 310 degree temperature, but I can say that it does heat up quickly.
These are the kinds of curls that I get from this curling wand. I usually use 1 inch or larger sections rapped around for a count of 10. But if you used smaller sections then you’d get tighter waves from it.
I absolutely love this curling wand and use it about once a week, and the curls last for about 3 days until I need to wash my hair. I fully recommend it.