Back to School and Busy

There’s not as much hubbub surrounding the after Christmas back to school. Maybe it’s because everyone already has their supplies. Perhaps it’s because the Holiday Vacation is so short. Either way for most places it’s back to school this week, and since I home school, it’s back to finding our groove.

So instead of sitting down and writing the posts that I had planned to write, everything is just fallen to the way side for school, work and colds. So I’m sorry, but I hope to be back on a roll again after this weekend. I’m still sick, but slowly getting better.

There will be no more posts this weekend, I’ll be taking the time to recover, convince my husband to take some photos, pack away my tree, and get the house back in order. I’ll start my Valentines Day posts next week, and I’m super excited for them!

Vampire Howl is also excited about Valentines Day.


Are there any particular Valentines Day posts you would like to see?



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