Liebster Award…OMG!

Or Squeee!


When he heard I was nominated Howl said”Where’s My Leibster Award? I’m adorable!”

I’ve seen this going around the blogging community and I’m so happy to be a part of this tag now! If you don’t know what it is, it’s where other bloggers choose bloggers with less than 200 followers, that they think should have more followers. I was nominated by Kerry from Dosage of Beauty and Fashion

The Rules are that you have to tell 11 things about yourself, answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you, and then create 11 questions for the 11 people that you nominate to answer. I’m so excited so lets get started.

11 facts about me

1. I met my husband right after I turned 18 and we’ve been together ever since.
2. I am an obsessive reader, when I pick up a book once I’m into it I won’t put it down, I read all 19 of Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum Series in 2 weeks.
3. Given the choice between clothes and makeup, I will choose to buy clothing 99% of the time, the other 1% means I’ve run out of something.
4. I have severe Allergies and Asthma, I spend a lot of time sick. It’s actually why I stopped making Youtube videos and started blogging.
5. When I met my husband my hair was purple and orange, it’s also been green, pink, blue, black, red and all purple.
6. I used to shop at Hot Topic, with my dad, who only wore sweatpants, military style parka and steel toed boots. The worst/best bit of that story? The people that worked there overheard my dad designing a dress for me to wear to senior prom, and started taking notes and asking him for advice. I never went to senior prom though. (Heartbreaking because that dress would have been amazing). They would follow him around every time we went in looking for ideas.
7. My dream house is made of stone and has a window seat, porch swing, library and a fenced in or walled garden.
8. If I could be any person from a T.V. Show I would be Rory, but during her time at Yale, because I love her style then and I never did go to college .
9. I have a really diverse taste in music I range from Kitty to Emily Autumn to Taylor Swift, I also really love Placebo and am so excited for their new Album Loud Like Love.
10. I’m obsessed with skincare (bet you guessed that already.)
11. My favorite day of the year is my birthday, I start making wishlists and plans for it 2 or 3 months in advance, and I pretty much already know what I want to wear (post on that tomorrow)


Kerry’s questions:
1. Do you prefer to shower mornings or nights
A. Nights, I love the feeling of climbing into fresh pj’s after a shower, plus I almost never blowdry my hair.
2.What is your make-up cleansing/removing routine?
A. I use some sort of cleansing milk or balm to take it off, currently I’m using Ren’s Hydra Calm Cleansing Milk, but some past favorites have been Caudalie’s Gentle Cleansing Milk and Kiehl’s Washable Cleansing Milk, which is what I’ll be using next, I miss it.
3. How would you describe your sense of style?
A. Taylor Swift meets Taylor Momsen. You don’t see a lot of my edgier looks here on the blog, but they do happen. However I’ve been copying Emma Stone more and more for Fashion and Hair inspiration.
4. If every season you buy unlimited shoes, bags or jewellery/accessories, but only two of the others, which would it be and why?
A. Shoes, I love them and always have another pair that I want. I actually only have 2 bags as it is, and one more that I kinda have my eye on. Jewelry I really only receive as gifts and buy less than 2 pieces on my own as it is. But Shoes, I just love them and completely obsess over them.
5. What is your favourite make up product at the moment?
A. YSL Babydoll Mascara, or really any YSL Mascara, they don’t irritate my eyes and they make my lashes look amazing.
6. Do you use fake lashes?
A. Nope, I’m horrible with them, and I don’t really need them, I have long lashes, and they’re pretty full on their own.
7. What was your first memory of using make up?
A. I was 4 years old and my mother was headed to work. She let me use her blush brush after she did, and then kissed me so I could wear her lipstick too. It’s probably one of my favorite memories.
8. How light/dramatic is your everyday makeup?
A. It’s pretty simple, I don’t even use eyeliner on a daily basis.
9. Do you prefer fashion or make up?
A. Fashion, I’m just better at it. I’m terrible at blending shadows.
10. What is a make up item you’d like to try?
A. The Chanel Bronze Universal or whatever it’s meant to be called. Or the Bourgeois version. I suck at bronzer, but I think a cream version might work better for me.
11. Do you have a high-ended item (fashion or make-up) that you really want to own, if so, what is it?
The Suart Weitzman 5050 boots in Napa Leather. They’re gorgeous, and Emma Stone wears them in the upcoming Amazing Spiderman 2, and I adore her, and her as Gwen Stacy, and those boots are just stunning.
Now it’s time for my 11 questions:
1. If you could be someone from a movie or show who would you be and why?
2. Your all time favorite book?
3. You have absolutely no budget, but can only shop at one store and it cannot be a department store, where do you go?
4. If you could have any other blogger/youtuber popular or unknown give you a makeover who would you choose?
5. Why did you get into blogging?
6. If you could have high end designer Fashion or Makeup just gifted to you forever, but the other one had to be highstreet or drugstore forever, which would you choose to be high end?
7. It’s girls night in, what movie is on and what do your pajamas look like?
8. Your favorite skincare item?
9. It’s pouring rain, what is your go to outfit and hairstyle?
10. What’s your style? If you could change it, what style have you always admired?
11. You have to move to another country, where do you go? Why there?
And now it’s time for the people I nominate, I’m so excited about this!
  1. Une Splendid Vie
  2. FashionLoft8
  3. after the 40 bar finish
  4. Secretive Style
  5. Beauties Unlocked
  6. FASHinNY
  7. TheAJMinute
  8. LoveOlia
  9. Lark and Lace
  10. Cake & Couture
  11. EatSayLove

I tried to double check and make sure they didn’t have secret GFC followers that numbered over 200, but I mostly went by their bloglovin followers.

Many Thanks again to Kerry for nominating me, I’m so excited about it.

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