Tag Archives: Tag

Blogmas Day 3: Christmas Tag

I kinda didn’t know what I wanted to write about today so I just googled Christmas tag and went with the questions from the first search return.

1. Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie?
The Grinch, but the animated one not the Jim Carey Movie

2. What Are Your Favorite Christmas Colors?
Red and Gold, it’s actually the only time I really like Gold.

3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?
We open presents in our Pajama’s then get dressed for Dinner

4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be?
My son

5. Do You Open Your Presents Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?
Both, we visit our family on Christmas Eve but open our presents to each other on Christmas Morning

6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House?
Yes, I’m actually going to be building one very soon

7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?
I don’t have a Christmas Break, I’m to old for that.

8. Any Christmas Wishes?
The selfish answer? All things Kate Spade,  or Deborah Lippmann Nail Polish

9. Favorite Christmas Smell?
Cinnamon, or Cranberry

10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat?
Peppermint Bark or Cocoa and Cookies

Since this tag was a bit short, here’s an adorable picture of Howl in his sweater trying to figure out if he likes this whole Christmas thing or not. howl under the christmas tree


Scariest Thing Tag

Today I’ve decided that since I haven’t done one in ages I’m going to do the Scariest Thing Tag.


1. Scariest Real Life Experience?
A. I’d have to say it’s when I first moved into my own apartment and my husband had gone to work, and at the time he went to work at 2am. I was alone with our baby and someone started rattling the door and trying to get in. He was very drunk and screaming to be let in. It turned out he was the last tenant in the apartment and was so drunk he’d forgotten he’d moved. In retrospect it’s a simple mistake, but when you’re living all on your own for the first time, it’s down right terrifying.

2.Scariest Paranormal Experience?
A. I can’t say that I’ve had one. I used to believe in ghosts, but at some point, from watching shows like Ghost Hunters and Paranormal State I realized that I thought it was absurd.

3. Have You Ever Known Anyone Convicted Of A Violent Crime?
A. Yes, unfortunately. A person I went to school with killed someone in a car accident, and another person I went to school with is in jail for drugs.

4. Are You Afraid Of The Dark? Why Or Why Not?
A. Yes, but it’s actually not the dark I’m afraid of, I actually like the dark and night time. But I am bloody terrified of what might be in the dark that I can’t see.

5. Does Your Home Town Have Any Scary Legends?
Yes, but if I tell it to you then you’ll know where I live. But if you are looking for scary stories about places then I’d check out this article from priority one jets

6. What’s Your Favorite Urban Legend?
I actually have a few. My favorite website is Snopes. I’d have to say that my favorite is either The Hook or The Boyfriends Death.

7. What Is Your Scariest Nightmare?My nightmares are usually really strange. I once had a bad dream that someone cut up my Hunter rainboots. Mostly my really terrible nightmares either involves someone being murder or someone being stalked to be murdered.

Another Tag! or The Procrastinating Blogger Tag

You’ll see me, every time a Tag is Posted

I got this tag from Touch Of Crimson, who’s blog I only just discovered yesterday and became completely obsessed with. Since I love tags, and haven’t been doing so well on the posting front, I decided this was completely necessary.

Name one beauty regime that you rarely do?
Plucking my eyebrows. I don’t do it nearly as often as I should. As a matter of fact they’re in dire need of plucking right now.
Is washing your makeup brushes something you do regularly?
Not exactly, I’m really great at spot cleaning them, but horrible at deep cleaning them. I just don’t have the patience, or the space really to do it in.
How long will you last with chipped nails?
Maybe 2 days max, before they drive me crazy and I pick the polish off.

How long will you put off buying/replacing a product, even if you need it?
I’m actually horrible at this, kinda. If it’s Skincare, well I don’t ever let that lapse. I repurchase before I’m out. Same with Foundation. But other makeup? Ages, I went 2 months without blush because I couldn’t decide what I wanted.
What is your worst beauty habit?
I pick at my skin. I don’t mean to, and I don’t do it often, but I do it, and I hate it.
Name something non-beauty related you put off doing all the time.
Laundry, specifically folding it. I’ll wash and dry load after load of Laundry, but I don’t want to fold any of it. So then I end up not washing my Laundry because my clean clothes hampers are overflowing and I don’t have anywhere to put it once it’s washed.

When going out somewhere do you leave getting ready until the last minuet?
Not usually, normally I’m ready to go, except on Sundays when I head out to my parents. Somehow I’m always rushing around and still I end up late.

Can you commit to spending bans?
No, I keep trying, but it’s skincare that gets me. I’m obsessed.

How organised is your makeup and nail polish collection?
BAH! It isn’t, at all. It’s all mostly contained in boxes and train cases, but there is no organization to it. Absolutely none.

Don’t forget Google Friend Connect is Closing soon, so don’t forget to  Follow Me On Bloglovin

Beauty Things I Suck At Tag

I decided to swipe this tag from YouTube and move it to the blogosphere. I know that beauty girls always seem to know exactly what they’re doing, but that is not always the case. So I decided to throw my voice into the ring and talk about my imperfections.

First thing I suck at? Skincare. I’ve tried so so many things and none of it has worked yet. I. Currently trying Murad and it might work, but that will be an upcoming blog post.

I also really suck at self tanner. I always turn orange, or streaky, or both. It doesn’t matter what I do, how much I exfoliate, or how carefully I apply it, it just doesn’t work for me. I keep trying, because I want it too. Next on my list to try is St. Tropez. I’ve been putting it off because I just think this might be a more expensive tanning mistake.

I’m awful at liquid liner. I never wear it because no matter how I try to apply it I just can’t get it right. I always apply it super thickly, or not straight, or its gloopy. Whatever I just can’t get it.

Plucking my eyebrows. I always have to watch Jim Chapman videos while I pluck. It’s kinda because he’s hilarious. I’m kinda a hardcore wuss, so I need a distraction, and I always put it off way to long.

I’m really bad at tight lining. I freak out and then picture myself stabbing my eye out, and then I chicken out. Every damn time. Same thing with false lashes. So I just don’t wear them.

While I’m talking about my eyes, I’m super bad at blending my shadows. I’m lazy. That’s my only excuse.

I hate using powders to set my makeup. I’ve been using a setting spray. I’d like to use a powder but no matter how little I use, I end up cakey and grumpy.

 I suck really bad at properly removing my nail polish, I always just pick it off. The bonus of this is I don’t really have a problem removing glitter polish.

I’m super bad at remembering to use a heat protectant on my hair. I just never remember to, I guess it’s a good thing that I don’t use heat on my hair very often. Actually usually only on my bangs which get regular trims.

Speaking of regular trims, I’m really bad about that too, my hair dresser is 40 minutes away so I usually put it off until I absolutely have to get them trimmed.

Non beauty things I suck at:
Waiting. I am the most impatient person ever and I’m currently waiting on some news that will affect a lot of things in my life and whether or not I’m moving next year. I’m supposed to know in a few days which by definition is today. I’m really hoping to know by Friday at the latest or I swear I’m going to go insane. This waiting is why I haven’t really posted anything this week, I’ve been to anxious.

See that mean face?
(that’s me waiting)