Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Blogmas Day 24: Happy Christmas Eve
I recently read the above tweet and it got me thinking. As adults or soon to be adults this is something easily forgotten as we go about our lives. It's something many of us need to be reminded of as the Christmas Season and the stress that comes with it wears on us. It's the little things that make a place home. Home is where ever your happy memories are. My home is my favorite place in the world and there's no where I'd rather be. Home is where my favorite blanket is, waiting on my spot on the couch. I've been a bit of a Grinch lately as I focus on the mess the Christmas Clutter is creating in my house instead of focusing on the memories of home it's making for my son.
I've lived in quite a few places in my life, but they've all been home to me, and there are things I miss about each one. When I was little walking to school everyday with my dad. When I was older coming home from work at 3 am with my mom to find my dad waiting up for us, and being walking distance from my favorite aunt. The tiny apartment my husband and I were so excited about because it was ours, where our son took his first steps, and we had our first Christmas as a family. My last place where I came home and laid on the floor with O & T after a night out. Where Miss Cannady told me she was getting married, and later asked me to do her makeup. Where we started the traditiosn of giving each other pajamas for Christmas. And here, where we live now, our son had his first day of school, and we brought Howl home too, and our new couch where I've stayed up way too late chatting with T, O and Miss Cannady. Where my husband and I just stayed up until we were delirious with exhaution wrapping presents for our friends and family. All of these things are pieces of home to me, that I will have no matter where I am.
Home is a wonderful place to be from, and as many of us are making the trek home today and tomorrow, if it's your parents home, or your grandmothers home, have a wonderful time and take a new piece of home back with you.
What are your favorite family Christmas traditions, or your favorite memories of home?
Monday, December 23, 2013
Blogmas Day 23: Holiday Party
I know I do a lot of wish board what to wear for x occasion posts, so I decided yesterday to actual put my money where my mouth is and show you an outfit I actually have and would wear for a Christmas Party.

Outfit: Sweater- Macy's, Pants- H&M, Shoes- Asos
This first picture looks super awkward. These pants used to be super tight on me, like they're meant to be, but I've lost some weight, and I swear they didn't look this baggy in person. But I do still love these pants and will be a little sad when I have to retire them completely. Also the awkward expression is because it was freezing cold.

On my face my usual makeup: Nars Sheer Glow, Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer, Nars Deep Throat, Benefit Watts Up, Benefit Leggy Eyeshadow, Urban Decay Bourbon Eyeliner, YSL Babydoll Mascara, YSL Succulent Pomegrante Sheer Volupte Candy Glossy Balm.
I actually bought that YSL Glossy Balm to be my Summer color, but I find that I'm really loving it right now, it feels amazing on my lips and stains my lips a bit so the color lasts a really long time. Plus it looks gorgeous.

I adore these shoes, My husband got me them as a surprise anniversary gift and they make me super happy every time I wear them. I had been wanting a pair of Chelsea boots for so long and was so excited to get these. I kinda really want to get another pair soon.
I'd probably wear this outfit to a casual party with friends and family. It's simple but still looks nice, the only thing I'd change is I'd wear some pants that fit, since these are a cross between trousers and leggings.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Blogmas Day 22: The Post That Wasn't
I've been in hibernation lately, subsisting on starbucks coffee and swiss miss cocoa and all my spare time lately has gone to wrapping presents and trying to keep Howl from eating the tree.
Remember this picture:

He wasn't contemplating how he felt about Christmas, he was trying to decide if he could eat Christmas. Seriously Howl is going to be the Puppy That Ate Christmas. It will be a best seller. I promise.
How are your Christmas plans going?
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Blogmas Day 21: Last Minute Christmas Gifts
There are no links because you've no time to order online.
Gift cards are always a good last minute gift and can be picked up in the checkout lane in most Grocery stores. They carry them for all different places from Amazon to iTunes to Starbucks. The best bit is they're uni-sex
Candles are another great gift, slightly less uni-sex since they're generally considered a girly thing, but I do know some guys that them too. Jo Malone, which can be found at Nordstrom, has some lovely candles on the higher end side, and on the less expensive side Bath and Body Works make a great array of scents.
Cologne is a lovely gift Atelier, which can be found Sephora and in department stores like Neiman Marcus, have some truely beautiful scents, as does Jo Malone. For the men in your life Bvlgari has some amazing mens colognes, which can be found nearly anywhere.
Watches are a good and practical gift, Timex has great watches for both sexes, and Guess and Michael Kors also have some lovely watches and can be found at department stores and their namesake stores respectively.
The last always good option is a wallet or pouch, I adore Kate Spade's Wallets, particularly the Cherry Lane Stacy. And of course Jack Spade has some lovely wallets for men.
Of course all of these brands are just suggestions. Any Department store would have all of these things in several different brands and prices. I know they seem like common ideas, but even a common gift can be wonderful if it's good quality.
Have you finished your shopping or are you still shopping?

Friday, December 20, 2013
Blogmas Day 20: What To Wear Christmas Eve
The casual outfit is first. Long line sweater from Gilly Hicks in red, looks festive and covers your bum. Which is important because these leggings from Topshop will keep you cozy and not feeling squished after you consume a plate or two of cookies, no judgements here it's Christmas the season of cookies. These boots from H&M are too perfect and I adore this Modcloth Typewriter Necklace. Finish off the look with an Emi-Jay headband and you're adorable and comfortable.
However the outfit I'm really in love with is the dressy outfit this year. This dress from Madewell, and while out of my budget I'm completely in love with it. Add some tights, these are from J.Crew, and these Satin Zara heels to dress it up a bit. Since the dress is embroidered keep it simple with stud earrings like these from Kate Spade and add in a few bracelets for an arm party (Bauble Bar, Bauble Bar and Kate Spade) and you're good to go. I'm so in love with this outfit, it's perfect and dressy.
What are you wearing for Christmas Eve? Personally I still have no idea what to wear. I decided not to buy anything new this year and now I'm regretting that decision.

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Blogmas Day 19: Whoops!
As of right now I want to wash my face, curl up with a book, my headphones and a drink be done with the day. Instead I have to stay up til 3 am wrapping presents because I forgot. I'll still be washing my face though. Because Hygiene is important.
In other sad news I'm almost out of my Pure Seduction body spray and I spilled my bottle of Love Spell all over my linen closet. On the upside my Linen closet smells fabulous.

Tomorrow's post will be a what to wear for Christmas Eve.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Blogmas Day 18: A few of my favorite things*
There's just something about Kate Spade as a brand that just makes me giddy. I went to their store that just opened in Kenwood recently, and when one of the ladies working there asked if I needed help, I said "Nope, I'm just excited to be here." She thankfully laughed off my crazy. I managed to answer No, just browsing" to anyone else that asked and had to force myself to leave because I spent a really long time there for someone who wasn't going to buy anything. It was all just so pretty to look at. It didn't help that I was telling my husband how much things cost, or what the idiom bracelets said inside without even picking them up.
Trying to figure out what to write for tonight, I settled on A few of my favorite things, and went about putting the wishboard together. Then I realized it was shaping up to be mostly Kate Spade, and just decided to make it A few of my favorite Kate Spade things. Some of these things you've seen before, and some I've never mentioned, but I adore them all.
Side note: My Husband should probably book mark this page.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Blogmas Day 17: What to Wear Christmas Day
I love these what to wear posts, they're some of my favorite to put together. I love dressing up, and helping others dress up for things. You'll probably see two more of these from me before Blogmas is over, Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. And if I don't come up with anymore ideas,they'll be up tomorrow and the next day.
Christmas Day is really casual in my house, so even the dressy outfit isn't to much. I loved this collared dress from Modcloth. I paired it with these red tights from Monsoon, but you can find red tights anywhere. I kept the jewelry simple with these CZ studs from Juicy, and finished it off with these silver tipped boots from H&M. Really simple and the boots keep it comfortable. You could dress it up more my switching to heels, but even still this is perfect for a dressy family brunch or any activity like that.
The casual outfit is of course my favorite. The Sweater is from Boohoo.com (similar here) and the bottoms are corduroy jeggings from AE. I'm actually a big fan of AE jeans and their Jeggings especially. I finished the outfit off with these Dogeared Bright Star earrings and Kate Spade x Keds Glitter Champion in Gold. I think the glittery shoes really make this outfit shine, if you'll excuse the pun.
Both outfits can benefit from a some red lipstick and red nails. I picked this Nars Semi Matte Lipstick in Jungle Red because I've personally wanted it for a while, and this Butter London Come To Bed Red because I love the Butter London Polishes I have, and would love to add this one to my collection. I love matching my lips to my nails, using different shades of the same color, and I always feel glamorous with red lips.
What do you usually wear for Christmas day?

Monday, December 16, 2013
Blogmas Day 16: Emi-Jay Haul
On Cyber Monday, I finally broke down and bought myself something. Emi-Jay was having a 20% off sale on their Website.

I bought a Green Headband, Red Polka Dot Headband and a 5 pack of their Christmas Hair ties. I'm kinda already really in love with the headbands.

They're made out of the same material as the hair ties and when I brushed out my hair yesterday after wearing one all day there was no indent. I was ecstatic.
On my face: Rimmel Stay Matte Mousse Liquid Foundation, Nars Deep Throat, YSL Babydoll Mascara, Benefit Sugarbomb blush.
Earrings: Kate Spade
Did you buy anything for yourself on Black Friday or Cyber Monday?
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Blogmas Day 15: My favorite Ornaments
The believe mailbox was the first one we bought. My son was excited because it looked just like the mailbox he used to send his Santa letter.

The next year he picked out Virginia and Ollie because they're the main characters and they didn't have Scraggly Santa.

In 2012 he picked out Santa Claus.

I love all the Christmas classics so the year we had our first Christmas tree together my husband surprised me with Rudolph and Frosty ornaments to mix into our boxed ornaments. He picked these because since we were just buying ornament packs we had a blue and silver theme and they matched.

The next year our son was a little older so we decided to do a more colorful tree and bought some colored ornaments, a pack of Grinch ornaments and then this one was hanging all by itself. I adore the Grinch, it's my all time favorite Christmas book, cartoon and movie. Sometimes you can catch me reading it to my son all year round.

Last year around Christmas time I got very sick, so on one of his many trips to the store to get me Puffs plus lotion and NyQuil he spotted a set up of Disney ornaments and got me both Mickey and Minnie.

This year we'll be adding two more ornaments to our tree that we haven't yet got. An ornament from Moochie and Co, our favorite pet store, to commemorate Howl's first Christmas ever, and another Ornament from when our son mails his Santa letter at Macy's tomorrow. I'll put pictures of those up on Tuesday in a mini ornament Haul.
Do you have any ornaments that are filled with special memories?
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Blogmas Day 14: Empties/Products I've Used Up
Bonus note: My skintone matches my wall.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Blogmas Day 13: Victoria's Secret Clean and Go Dry Shampoo Review
I thought I'd talk a bit about the Victoria's Secret Dry Shampoo I bought, and will be repurchasing this weekend since I'm out of it, and almost out of shampoo. I waited til I was almost out of shampoo because Victoria's Secret almost always has a 3 for $24 deal on their hair care products.

This is hands down the best Dry Shampoo I've ever used, just a little bit goes a long way, and it leaves your hair clean and volumized. It is a bit sticky which is weird but I actually kinda like it. It also smells really great, a little floral and soft, and almost but not quite powdery. I was Batiste obsessed for a while, and my husband still uses it when I remember to buy it for him, but this one is definitely my all time favorite.
What Dry Shampoo's have you tried? Which one's your all time favorite.
I know, I've managed to mention Victoria's Secret in almost every post recently, and it's starting to look like I should change my name to V.S. Anonymous. It's okay, I promise that it's only going to get worse. Seriously.
Do you ever do that, just get seriously obsessed with a company, and either buy all their stuff, or spend hours browsing their site wishing you could buy all their stuff? I go through phases, last year it was Topshop, and Jack Wills, but I never bought anything from them. But I'll always love H&M, Kate Spade, Emi-Jay and Victoria's Secret.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Blogmas Day 12: Blogmas Block

Yes this is from the same day we took sunday's photos. Sometimes when there's a lot of good ones I'll hold some back to use at a later date.
I know I said in yesterday's post that I would be staying in for exercise, but I ended up feeling guilty and taking Howl for a walk around my local track last night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I wore my navy Gilly Hicks Hoodie with a long sleeve tee under it and a pair of the Victoria's Secret Most Loved Yoga Leggings, and Fingerless gloves (and the evil much hated trainers) The only thing I would have changed is I would have worn my earmuffs that play music instead of my earbuds and I should have worn full gloves because my fingers were so cold. Other than that it was kinda nice.
I've lost my mind right? I actually do like winter, and I love the snow, so it was just a matter of keeping walking (not a problem with Howl trying to drag me down the hill) and concentrating on how pretty my snow covered park was. Howl and I were the only ones out, which I'm guess had something to do with the fact that it was 0°C outside. But I'm planning on doing it again very soon. Only with proper gloves and earmuffs this time.
Maybe I'll do a winter exercise outfit post soon. I plan on having My Christmas Wishlist post up very soon.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Blogmas Day 11: Run Free
But every year around this time I start thinking about working out or running. Which is stupid because it's cold outside and I'm not even into being outside, like at all, ever. But I do, and then I obsess over it, work out for a few weeks, just long enough to buy myself some new workout gear, catch a cold and then pretend my treadmill and running shoes don't exist until this time next year.
I'm probably going to keep up the dance around the kitchen, or hit my treadmill in the basement until it warms up, because even more than I don't do outside, I don't do outside in the cold. But once it warms up I usually take my puppy for a walk around the local track a few times a week.
But I still love workout gear and tend to wear it even when I'm just going to be laying around the house that day, and these are the things that I'm really interested in purchasing early next year. I've still got a Christmas Spending Ban going on.
- I'm completely in love with this running jacket from The North Face. Ever since I got one from Gilly Hicks when it was on major sale, I've wanted another one. This one is cute, colorful and warm, very important for the spring.
- This super simple tank from Nike is perfect, wear it under the jacket in spring, and on it's own in the summer. Bonus it's cute enough to wear as an everyday piece of clothing too.
- I adore Victoria's Secret Bras and Sports Bras, I'd probably get a couple of their 2 for $50 ones, but this polka dotted Angel Sports Bra is really cute.
- Early spring in Indiana is still cold. Sometimes it's still cold straight through March, so these Cozy Tights from Under Armour are not only adorable but practical too. I prefer tights when I work out, and even in the summer I prefer cropped tights to running shorts.
- I mentioned over summer that I absolutely hate my current running shoes. I really like the look of these Under Armour shoes and my son absolutely loves his pair so I'll probably pick up these or something similar come spring time.
- For my hair I tend to pull it back with an Emi-Jay hair tie, and since I'm growing out my bangs, I'd probably add a headband in. These in silver glitter are adorable.
- And finally something that has been on my wishlist forever is the Jawbone Up in Mint Green. It's probably irrational that I want this, but it's really cute and I totally feel like it would push me to move more. Especially since it has the idle alerts feature. I'll get sucked into a book and discover that I haven't eaten or drank or even moved all day long. I think having a reminder to move would be perfect.
I am actually going to take Howl on a walk today, because he and I are both getting a bit stir crazy, but I don't know how long we'll stray away from the warmth of home since it's 0ºC right now. So cold.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Blogmas Day 10: Favorite Night Of The Year

I love the fashion show because it's so theatrical. The live performances, the huge wings and weird costumes that no one would ever wear. It's just such great fun. At some point it in the 9 years we've been together it became a tradition for us to sit down at watch it together. He mocks the clothes and sometimes roots for someone to fall, and I take in all the glitter and tease him about buying me this year's really expensive bra set they use as the finale.
For us there's nothing serious about watching it, and for those that climb up on their soap box to talk about the unrealistic ideals the models give young girls, or how trashy it is to walk around in your underwear, try to remember it's just a show. I'm not built like a Victoria's Secret Model and I'll never again be a size two. I'm a fan of pizza and cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows and curling up on the couch with a good book. And I'm okay with that.
Do you love or hate Victoria's Secret? Do you wait for the fashion show all year like I do? Sound off in the comments below, but keep it clean.

Monday, December 9, 2013
Blogmas Day 9: Winter Skin and Hair Tips
The first tip I have is moisturize. Not only is the cold air drying, the recycled air and dry heat in building are incredibly drying as well. For skin I recommend a heavier night cream even if you have oily skin, and if you have dry skin a heavier day cream as well. Personally I'm using the Korres Greek Yogurt Lactic Acid Sleeping Facial.
For your hand which are also exposed and which show your age just as soon as your face and neck, I really love the L'Occitane hand creams.
But I also recommend you moisturize your hair. The more moisturized your hair is the less static you have to deal with when you take off your winter hat. I personally use the Victoria's Secret Nourish Shampoo and Conditioner. They also have a hair mask that I plan on picking up which is great for a once a week pick me up. Another great product to add to your hair routine is an oil.
Another tip I have is skip on the heat treatments as often as you can and find a heat protectant that you love and use it consistently. Also a good dry shampoo will make your style last at least a day longer.
For those days where you simply must put your hair up, I recommend Emi-Jay hair ties. They're the best and they don't cause breakage or creasing in your hair. They're Howl's favorites too.
And my final hair tip is slip some dryer sheets with a scent you like in your pocket or purse. A quick swipe over your hair after you take off your hat or hood will calm any static fly aways and make your hair smell absolutely lovely.
For makeup I recommend glowing skin. This doesn't mean you need a tan or to pack on the bronzer. Instead go for Champagne highlights like Benefit's Watts up. Tops of your cheekbones, down your nose, center of your forehead and your cupids bow are great places for highlighter.
I am all about big lashes especially in the winter, but just because summer has passed doesn't mean you should put away your waterproof mascara, extreme cold or strong winds can make your eyes water and absolutely ruin your eye makeup. I love the YSL Mascaras, but pick a brand you love and stick with it.
For lips I love warmer, bolder or darker colors. A stain or tinted lip balm is a great way to wear a darker color without it over taking your face. I love Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment and Benefit's lip and cheek stains. Bonus a tinted lip balm does double duty as color and moisture. Just remember to exfoliate your lips with a sugar scrub , Fresh has a great one, and you'll be ready to be caught under the mistletoe all winter long.
Speaking of Cheeks, I love berries and plums for blush during the winter. Nars Sin is a color that I'd absolutely love to add to my makeup collection. But Benetint is a great just flushed in from the cold look.
For your eyes keep the inner corner shimmery and use greys for an icy look or browns and cranberry colors for warm cozy looks. I think a shimmering icy look is amazing for a New Years party and a warm brown and cranberry look is great for Holiday and Christmas parties.
And my last tip is a skincare one, don't skimp on the SPF just because it's icy outside. Just because it's cold and overcast more often doesn't mean the sun can't still hurt you. Even worse? The snow on the ground can actually make the sun damage worse by reflecting the rays back up at you.
I love winter because I feel like with all the holiday parties you can be bolder with your makeup routine and use more shimmer and try new things that just wouldn't work in the paired down summer, or the fresh faced spring.
I really enjoyed writing this post and if you have any other posts you're interested in seeing from me feel free to leave your requests in the comments below.

Sunday, December 8, 2013
Blogmas Day 8: Snow Day

I'm wearing a Black Peacoat from Aero, Camel Tie Back Sweater from Loft, Black H&M Skinny Trousers, I knitted my hat myself with Alpaca Baby grande yarn, and of course my Pillar Box Red Original Glossy Short Boots.

My makeup is the usual except on my lips is Benetint.

I was really excited to finally get my Red Hunter Boots out in the snow. I've been waiting since I got them in February. I definitely need to some wellie socks because even with the Dr. Scholls Cozy insoles my feet still felt a bit cold.
Howl is also a really big fan of the snow.

He liked digging and rubbing his nose in it.

He was absolutely caked in snow by the time I got him to come inside. Which he didn't want to do. He wanted to stay outside all day long. I kinda did too, the snow was perfect for snowman building and snowball fights which we had plenty of.
I'm so excited that we're getting snow this year and I'm hoping for many more snow days, just as perfect as this one.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Blogmas Day 7: Korres Greek Yogurt Sleeping Facial Re-Review
But it shouldn't be any surprise that I'm running late with this post, because I kinda dropped the ball with yesterday's post and forgot to put in it's picture until way late in the day.
For today's post I thought I'd give the Korres Greek Yogurt Sleeping Facial a mini re-review. I reviewed it before but I don't think I had been using it long enough.

While Lactic acid and Dairy in general can be bad for acne when taken internally, if you put it on your skin you get a different effect. When I first started using this daily I had a minor extra breakout along the top of my cheeks, but after a few days of that it cleared up and now even my normal hormonal acne is better. My skin isn't completely clear, but it is much better. The acne I am getting is smaller and isn't lasting as long. But since my acne stems from when I was on birth control, I will still be breaking out until my hormones have leveled back out and according to my doctor that could take months. It has also helped with the redness I have in my skin and since this is more moisturizing than I usually use, my skin isn't as oily as it was before. I've also noticed some improvement in my wrinkles that I have on my forehead and around my lips (I am almost 30, in case you're wondering)
I don't really love the day cream that the set I bought came with, but I plan on purchasing the wild rose day cream because that one is aimed at clearing up dark spots on your face and will be better for clearing up my scars than this is. I don't really have bad scars, just some redness that never really seems to go away.
Final Verdict: I'm really happy with this night cream and I will be repurchasing it.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Blogmas Day 6: Book Wishlist

Then factor in that when ever I enter a book store I get incredibly distracted and find other books that I want to buy as well and end up walking out with 6 books, but only one of them was on my ever growing to buy list. Really the only sure fire way to check books off my to buy list is to ask for them for Christmas or some other gifting holiday like that. Which I totally forgot to do this year and now everyone is done shopping. Congrats to everyone for getting it done early, boo on me for forgetting.
Anyways I'm getting off topic, I have a huge wishlist of books that I'm slowly checking off, the only problem is I keep adding in about 3 books for everyone that I check off. So I thought I'd share with you my most wanted books. Obviously I can't tell you anything about them, because I haven't read them yet.
- Variant by Robinson Wells
- The Eye Of Minds by Lex Thomas
- Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
- Gothic Charm School: An Essential Guide for Goths and Those Who Love Them by Jillian Venters
- Frozen by Melissa De La Cruiz
- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
- Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
- Unwind Series by Neil Shusterman
- The Selection Series by Kiera Cass
- Matched Trilogy by Ally Condie
- The October List by Jeffery Deaver
- Disquiet by Julia Leigh
- A Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb
- The Maze Runner Trilogy by James Dashner
- The Fallen Series by Lauhttp://fashionandhappythings.com/wp-admin/post-new.phpren Kate
- Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier
Some of these are recent additions to my list, so of them have been on the list for quite a while. And this is no where near the complete list. The full list is closer to All The Books Ever than it is to just 16. It's also not my To Be Read pile, I'll probably do a post on that next week.
What books are on your wishlist?
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Blogmas Day 5: Winter Formal
And I'm still not tired of it.
While I was listening to the song (on repeat) I was browsing online for dresses and the next thing I knew I had picked out a whole formal outfit that fit with the song. It's just so gorgeous, I really wish I had somewhere to wear an outfit like this.
Isn't is just stunning? The dress is the Starlight Hearted Dress from Modcloth, which is my absolute favorite place to "window" shop for dresses. I've never actually bought anything from there, but I really really want to. I adore the gold sparkle on the grey background, it just looks so ethereal. The clutch is the Armitage Avenue Sparkle Clutch from Loris, since the sparkles are black it's a more understated sparkle. The same can be said of the shoes which are the Leandre Pumps from Kate Spade. Though they're gunmetal sparkles and leather instead of black glitter. And the finishing touch are these Lightning Bolt Earrings from Dogeared. I thought that these were delicate enough not to compete with the dress or the shoes, and since the name of the song is Lightning I just had to, it was just too perfect if a bit kitschy.
I think this outfit would be absolutely stunning for a winter formal event, with your hair curled and swept to the side, and a grey smoky eye with a pink lip. You'd definitely be the most stunning girl in the room. Do you have any formal events coming up? And more importantly, have you ever fell in love with a song so much you never wanted to stop listening to it?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Blogmas Day 4:

Today, Howl decided he wanted to go on an adventure. He decided he wanted to go across my yard, down the road, back up the road and through a field. He had such a marvelous time on his Grand Adventure. In the ensuing chase I pulled a muscle in or twisted my ankle as the pain is all the way up to my knee. So now I'm trapped on my couch and he's taking a nap because he's worn out from running all over the place.
In better news last night I officially finished my Holiday shopping and anything else I buy now is just extra. I'm quite happy about that. Normally I'm stressed out about holiday shopping until nearly the end of December, but now all that's left for me to do is wrap presents. So happy, because I love to wrap presents. Of course if Howl continues this behavior, then he will be getting the puppy equivalent of coal, whatever that may be.

In a completely unrelated topic, I've finally decided which shoes to use my Dr. Scholls For Her Cozy Cushions, that I received from Influenster, in. I've decided that they will be going in my Pillar Box Red Short Hunter Boots since I originally wanted them to use as snow boots. I'm so excited, and when I finally get a pair of the Hunter Wellie Socks for them they're going to be the most cozy, snuggly, warm boots ever. Is it sad that I'm excited about cozy insoles? Probably, but whatever, cozy is my motto. For serious.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Blogmas Day 3: Christmas Tag
1. Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie?
The Grinch, but the animated one not the Jim Carey Movie
2. What Are Your Favorite Christmas Colors?
Red and Gold, it's actually the only time I really like Gold.
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?
We open presents in our Pajama's then get dressed for Dinner
4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be?
My son
5. Do You Open Your Presents Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?
Both, we visit our family on Christmas Eve but open our presents to each other on Christmas Morning
6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House?
Yes, I'm actually going to be building one very soon
7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?
I don't have a Christmas Break, I'm to old for that.
8. Any Christmas Wishes?
The selfish answer? All things Kate Spade, or Deborah Lippmann Nail Polish
9. Favorite Christmas Smell?
Cinnamon, or Cranberry
10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat?
Peppermint Bark or Cocoa and Cookies
Since this tag was a bit short, here's an adorable picture of Howl in his sweater trying to figure out if he likes this whole Christmas thing or not.

Monday, December 2, 2013
Blogmas Day 2: Cozy Up for Winter
Blogmas 2013: Stylish Sundays
This is what I wore to decorate my Tree with my family. I was inspired by a recent outfit that Love Meagan wore.

Dress: Unknown Shirt: The Limited Leggings: Hue Belt: Kate Spade Earrings: Kate Spade
On My Face: Nars Sheer Glow, Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer, Nars Deep Throat Blush, Lancome Eyeshadows, YSL Babydoll Mascara, Urban Decay Eyeliner, Lancome Lipgloss in Atomic Bomb
I thought this outfit was going to come out weird but I actually really loved it, honestly if I hadn't seen LoveMeagan's post recently then I never would have tried layering this blouse under this dress.

Howl is wearing a Disney Fleece Hoodie, with snowflakes and Mickey Heads on it. He really love the Christmas tree though. He's a big fan of chewing it and all the ornaments. It'll be interesting to see how putting the presents under it goes this year. My shoes are from Old Navy,

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Thanksgiving Break

Isn't this just an absolutely gorgeous copy? My husband gave it to me a few years ago for my birthday. He got it from Barnes and Noble.
I promise I'll be back on Sunday, to kick off Blogmas which I am very excited about doing again this year.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Daily Makeup Routine

I don't lay my makeup out like this when I go to put it on, I just wanted to make it look pretty for blog purposes. And yes that is a GlossyBox lid.
Benefit's Girl Meets Pearl is one of my favorite highlighters, and it's absolutely perfect for daily use. Since I have a yellow undertone to my skin, I like that this is pink toned because I feel like it adds a bit of a warmth to the glow it gives.
This is probably one of my all time favorite concealers. Nars Radiant Creamy concealer is hands down the best concealer for dark circles I've ever used. It's okay for acne blemishes, but it's not as good as the Tarte Amazonian Clay Concealer. I'm out of that one right now and since even though it's not the best, the Nars does work I'm not worrying about repurchasing the Tarte one right now.
My Foundation is most days is the Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Mousse, usually I prefer the Nars Sheer Glow or the Chanel Vita Lumiere Aqua, but lately I've been using the Rimmel Foundation on days where I'm not taking photos or filming. It's a really good slap it on and go product for me.
The Mascara pictured is the Rimmel Glam Retro something or other. I'm not positive because I don't use it anymore. I love how it looks, and that it's a breeze to apply, but it makes my eyes water like crazy. So right now I'm currently using the YSL Babydoll that I got a sample of and seems to be lasting for ages. When that runs out I'll be forced to decide which YSL Mascara to purchase since they're the only brand that I've tried where my eyes don't water like crazy.
My setting powder which I don't use with the Nars foundation is the Makeup Forever Professional HD Setting Powder. I love this powder with every other foundation I've tried it with, but I don't like what it does to the Nars foundation.
These are the Lancome Eyeshadows that I use on pretty much a daily bases. I have a NYX palette and a BH cosmetics 120 palette but I just don't love them as much as I do these. The Lorac Pro Palette is on my Christmas list though.
And the last thing in my daily makeup routine is my blush which is the Nars Deep Throat Blush. It's terrible but I only own one blush. I went through a big clearing out and use it up phase and somehow got to the point that for awhile I was actually out of blush. It was awful. I'm just so indecisive and rather than buy a few I ended up not buying any for the longest time. It was Maxwell that recommended this blush to me so of course I needed it instantly. I do plan on buying a blush palette soon, but I'm torn between Nars, Sleek and Inglot. I might go with two, but that just seems excessive to me.
There's no lip product pictured because that changes constantly. Or I'm just not wearing one. Mostly it's the latter, because I'm terribly forgetful.
If you wanna see me slap all this on then you can watch my Everyday Fall Makeup Routine below
What's your everyday makeup or do you switch it up everyday?

Sunday, November 24, 2013
Stylish Sundays: Because Your Favorite Shade Is Navy Blue

I'm wearing Blue Toggle Coat from Delia's, Old Navy Polka Dot Sweater, H&M Skater Skirt, Hue Navy Blue Tights, Not Rated Oxfords, and a Gold Pen Necklace.

I love this coat.
On my Face: Nars Sheer Glow in Siberia, Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer in Chantilly, Nars Blush in Deep Throat, Benefit Leggy Eyeshadow, YSL Babydoll Mascara
Hair: Curled with the Conair YouCurl Infinity, Hairspray Aveda AirControl

Detail shots of Shoes and Necklace.
This outfit turned out better than I thought it would, considering I didn't know what to wear. I realized that I was wearing a lot of navy blue and ended up having If My Heart Was A House by Owl City stuck in my head all day long. I would have liked this outfit better if I had gone with my first plan of wearing a red sweater and white oxford, but I changed it last minute, because I didn't want to be wearing an oxford sweater combo 3 weeks in a row. I also plan on buying different brogues very soon. These ones are getting worn out and I don't love them as much as I did when I first got them. I'm thinking of maybe these from Zara.
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