Tag Archives: Splendid

Me: Right Now

If you know me, then you know I spend a lot of time sick. Most of the time I can fake it and put on real clothing and makeup and function like a grown up. Because at 27 with a 7 year old who even ill has their button stuck on go that’s what you do.

But then there’s days like today where I’m texting everyone because unless I’m in the process of swallowing something warm, it feels like there’s a torture device from a horror movie rotating in my throat. I feel feverish and cranky and my first thought on waking up was how much dayquil can you drink before you o’d?


So I pulled on my favorite Victoria’s Secret Leggings, grabbed my favorite Gilly Hicks hoodie and scraped my hair into a ponytail with an Emi-Jay Hair tie. Skipped the makeup because my face is a bit swollen and I don’t even want to touch it (those of you with sinus issues totally get this one) and when I got a bit cold threw on my navy blue Bearpaw boots.


I adore my Jack Skellington mug that my husband got me a few days ago when I was massively stressed out over our son’s Halloween costume. It was the perfect way to remind me that Halloween is my favorite Holiday.


Detail shot on the hoodie. I bought this last year during a Gilly Hicks sale along with another one, and I definitely have plans to get more. Victoria’s secret may do the best leggings, but Gilly Hicks has them beat on cozy hoodies.


My boots are Navy blue Bearpaw boots that my husband gave me for Christmas a couple years ago. I got these instead of Uggs because I hadn’t decided yet if I wanted to spend that much on a pair of boots that I probably won’t wear out of the house all that often. However I’m full on in love with the ones that have bows on them so I’ll probably be asking for a pair in the Classic Chestnut color for Valentines day.

Me Right Now


If you’re a fan of this look for laying around your house sick then then I made a wishboard of the same or similar items that are available now. Just being this cozy and surrounding myself with all of my favorite things has made me feel so much better.