Or Love her or hate her, you can't deny that that Bitch has everything.
I can't recall where I first heard about this book, but I bought it over a year ago and was extremely excited to get it.

I'm pretty sure it was recommended by a T.V. show or Actress I was obsessed with at the time, or something like that. My whole entire life, I have adored Barbie, but I hear constantly everything that it is meant to be negative about her. With the Subtitle of this book being "A Doll's History and Her Impact On Us" I felt that it was absolutely a must read for me. I decided that for this weeks outfit, I'd do my best impression of Barbie, and got all dressed up to take photos. I don't normally just dress up to take photos, usually I wear whatever I'm wearing in the post all day, but getting all done up just for the sake of being photographed was fun. Details will be at the end of the post.

This gives not just the history of Barbra "Barbie" Millicent Roberts, but also the history of her creator Ruth Handler. It talks of her early life growing up, who she fell in love with and how a girl who never cared about dolls created the most iconic doll ever.
The reason she created Barbie, named after her daughter, is simple. Girls want to play with a doll that looks like a grown up. You could easily stop here at this statement and say "Okay, now I don't need to read this book." But you'd be wrong. You'd miss out on seeing the different Barbie's through the years and how she has affected many girls lives in both positive an negative ways.

This got me thinking, how did Barbie affect me? I remember the last Barbie I ever bought, was a Teacher Barbie, my parents found her at Goodwill, she was new in packaging,she came with 2 students, desks and a chalk board,and she was cheap only $5. I was 9 years old and I loved that Barbie to death. I had several other Barbie's. My first one was bought at an old fashioned General store that had wood floors. I went in with my Grandmother and because I was quiet I got to pick out a toy. I chose Barbie. She was simple, and the cheap version, a kind of knock off of the original, but not really a knockoff since she was produced by Mattel. I adored her. She had such great hair and pretty makeup. I was given dresses and shoes and my fashion obsession began. I loved to dress Barbie up and go on adventures. My Barbies were all actresses because they were always pretending to be someone else. They were Nancy Drew and Paula Abdul and Kelly from Saved By The Bell. Once when I lost my Ken I dressed another Barbie up in his clothes to carry on acting out the scenes.

But Barbie didn't just spark my fashion obsession as a child, she also bonded me with my one of my Aunts. I remember my Aunt Heather had the coolest Barbies when I was little. She had a couple of the Barbies from the Barbies and the Rockers Series. Every time I came over I'm sure I begged to play with her Barbies, but after I put one in chicken soup (she was sick!) I was never allowed to unsupervised. We put on concerts, had weddings, ran businesses, and did everything we could possibly dream of. I always felt so cool playing with Heather, because she was 7 years older than me. By the time she out grew playing Barbies with her niece, I had mostly outgrown Barbies. But I've never outgrown her completely.

Right from Barbie's beginnings mother's were worried about how the doll would effect their daughter's self esteem. Barbie even has a syndrome named after her. I have never had any issues with Barbie, she was always just another toy to me. She represented what I wanted when I grew up, a busy girl with a bursting closet and tons of shoes. It never got more complex than that for me.
No matter your thoughts on Barbie, I can't recommend this book to you enough.

On Me: H&M Dress, Kate Spade Earrings, Kate Spade Belt, Return to Tiffany Bracelet, Jessica Simpson Heels, H&M Sunnies, DIY Necklace from Forever 21 Headband, Nails Notting Hill Gate

On My Face: Smashbox Primer, Lancome Teint Visionnaire Foundation, YSL Babydoll Mascara, Nars Deep Throat, Lacome Various Eyeshadows, Urban Decay Bourbon 24/7 Eyeliner, Benefit Girl Meets Pearl Highlighter, Too Faced Lip Primer, YSL #4 Succulent Pomegranate Volupte Sheer Candy Balm
My Hair: Pulled in to a High Pony Tail with my Volume on top and hair wrapped to hid the band
On My Nails: Nails Inc. Notting Hill Gate