Tee: Gilly Hicks (Similar), Pants: H&M (Similar), Shoes: Keds (bonus they're on sale.)

Hair Flat ironed.
Makeup: Nars Sheer Glow, Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer, Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush, Marc Jacobs The Lolita Palette, YSL Baby Doll Mascara, Rosebud Salve lipbalm
Key Necklace: Gift from a Friend

I know, I keep showing these Keds. Really they're my current favorites. They're so comfortable and perfect for everyday wear. I have so many other shoes that are being ignored right now, but time and time again I'm pulling these shoes out. They're just so cute with everything, but I have to say I love them best with cuffed trousers like I'm wearing them here.
What's your summer go to look? I pretty sure that this is mine.