Do you ever get fixated on one idea and just can't let go of it? I saw a picture on facebook of a Zara gold sequin skirt paired with a sweater, and suddenly I had to have a sequin skirt.
And, you know honestly, I don't know what the hell is up with me. I don't wear sequins as a general rule and I don't wear mini skirts like ever. But the way it's paired is just so cute, and I could easily see myself wearing it for holiday parties with tights and flats and being freaking adorable.
Then I started looking for that particular mini, but I couldn't find it anywhere, because it's from Zara's winter collection last season. It's on ebay, but for buy it now it'd be at least $120 and I'm not paying that much for a skirt I'll wear maybe 10 times before the years out. So then I started searching for a similar look (it's so spangly!). I couldn't find anything exactly close but maybe there will be more options closer to the coming winter season.
I just so happened to be watching Scooby doo while I was searching for this skirt and noticed that Daphne wears her mini with Opaque tights, and I was like well if I'd wear that skirt for parties with tights, why can't I do a more subdued mini as an everyday with tights? I immediately clicked over to The Limited since as of Oct 4th I have $50 in virtual Dollars to spend, and picked out 2 that I plan on picking up then. They also have a great selection of tights.
I tend to dress up a bit more in the colder seasons, and I think picking up some mini's in fall/winter fabrics to pair with tights and boots will fit right in in with my 60's-esque Gwen Stacy style fall and winter style. I really excited about being more daring, even though with the opaque tights I'll still be completely covered. Though I must reiterate that tights and leggings, no matter how opaque they are, are not pants, be classy people.
Are you making any daring additions to your wardrobe this coming season?
Thursday, September 20, 2012
In The Morning It Will Be Fall
As many people know Fall is Fashion's Season, and tomorrow is the official beginning of fall. The day when all the boots and sweaters come out, and the flip flops and cut offs get put away.
It's been getting cooler for about a week here now, and I've been seeing the leaves beginning to change. There's been woodsmoke in the air, and stores are setting out their Halloween/Thanksgiving Items. All of these are sure signs that Fall is here. Everything about Fall is better to me. The chill in the air, being able to comfortable drink hot cocoa, coffee, tea and cider again. The darker colors that come in style are warmer and richer to me. I love Corn Mazes, Hayrides and visits to the local pumpkin patch. Fall is when all the best candle scents come out, and the whole world begins to seem cozier. Everyone is bundling up and the holiday parties kick off with Halloween.
Then there's the fashion, no matter what your style is it always gets more interesting as the weather begins to chill, mostly out of the sheer desire to be warm. Sweaters, Jackets, Leggings, Boots, Tights, with the colder weather comes endless possibilities. Suddenly it's easier to be super edgy in your moto boots at the mall or classy in your riding boots in school or super cozy in your UGGS hanging out in your back yard and playing in the leaves. Whether you're rocking ankle booties or opt for the extra warmth of knee high boots it's all about what you feel comfortable in.
Personally I love Sweaters and Knee High boots, and I believe that leggings should only be worn to bed, or under jeans when it's freezing cold, but to each their own. What makes you happiest in the fall? Being Snuggled into an adorable pea coat with some adorable riding boots, or do you prefer hoodies and UGGS? No matter what your fashion in the morning it will be fall, and everything will be wonderful in my world.
It's been getting cooler for about a week here now, and I've been seeing the leaves beginning to change. There's been woodsmoke in the air, and stores are setting out their Halloween/Thanksgiving Items. All of these are sure signs that Fall is here. Everything about Fall is better to me. The chill in the air, being able to comfortable drink hot cocoa, coffee, tea and cider again. The darker colors that come in style are warmer and richer to me. I love Corn Mazes, Hayrides and visits to the local pumpkin patch. Fall is when all the best candle scents come out, and the whole world begins to seem cozier. Everyone is bundling up and the holiday parties kick off with Halloween.
Then there's the fashion, no matter what your style is it always gets more interesting as the weather begins to chill, mostly out of the sheer desire to be warm. Sweaters, Jackets, Leggings, Boots, Tights, with the colder weather comes endless possibilities. Suddenly it's easier to be super edgy in your moto boots at the mall or classy in your riding boots in school or super cozy in your UGGS hanging out in your back yard and playing in the leaves. Whether you're rocking ankle booties or opt for the extra warmth of knee high boots it's all about what you feel comfortable in.
Personally I love Sweaters and Knee High boots, and I believe that leggings should only be worn to bed, or under jeans when it's freezing cold, but to each their own. What makes you happiest in the fall? Being Snuggled into an adorable pea coat with some adorable riding boots, or do you prefer hoodies and UGGS? No matter what your fashion in the morning it will be fall, and everything will be wonderful in my world.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Gwen Stacy Much?
Okay I have to admit it, I'm sort of Obsessed with the new (ish) Spiderman movie, and I can't wait for it to hit stores, but mostly it's because of the fashion. Okay entirely it's Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy's fashion. I adore it. I might have even copied her hair...okay I totally did. But that's cool because I love it, and I've been telling my hairdresser "Oh exactly like Emma Stone's hair will be just fine. Thanks" for a while. This time she cut the fringe (bangs, but fringe sounds better don't you think?) a bit short, but it's okay because they're growing out nicely, and my next trim I'll make sure she doesn't, also the cut was on referral so it was free. Hard to be super mad about bit too short fringe when you only tipped for it, eh?
None of that's the point. The point is there is a dress she wears in the movie that I need. Need I tell you, and I can't find it anywhere. I've even sunk to googling "where is that dress emma wears in Spiderman from, ya know the navy blue one with the dark polka dots on it, okay thanks" and nothing. It has fallen off the face of the earth. It's this dress. I wish I could find it, or one like it. Seriously, the dark polka dots on the navy background are just gorgeous. Really. Also it's really classy, because aside from the thigh high boots, and mini skirts (guys Gwen is originally from the 60's, so ya know) Gwen Stacy is actually super classy. It's hard not to be classy when you're the police chiefs daughter.
Polka Dots are super in for fall, but we're mostly seeing the 'light/dark' mix. I really love the dark on dark of this dress, it makes it seem so much more Autumn/winter than all year round, like the other polka dots styles we're seeing. There are some Kate Spade dresses that are similar; specifically the the Pattie and the Alme dresses. But both aren't quite right and are way out of my price range. Though since Kate Spade has declared dots are the theme for September, and the stores seem flooded with the pattern I'm sure I'll find something comparable soon.
So what's your take on the polka dot trend? I know I'm obsessed. Are you totally in love, or does seeing them everywhere give you a hankering for first grade, juice boxes and a sharpie so you can connect the dots? And I know I'm way behind since it isn't even in theaters any more but how do you feel about the Spiderman reboot?
None of that's the point. The point is there is a dress she wears in the movie that I need. Need I tell you, and I can't find it anywhere. I've even sunk to googling "where is that dress emma wears in Spiderman from, ya know the navy blue one with the dark polka dots on it, okay thanks" and nothing. It has fallen off the face of the earth. It's this dress. I wish I could find it, or one like it. Seriously, the dark polka dots on the navy background are just gorgeous. Really. Also it's really classy, because aside from the thigh high boots, and mini skirts (guys Gwen is originally from the 60's, so ya know) Gwen Stacy is actually super classy. It's hard not to be classy when you're the police chiefs daughter.
Polka Dots are super in for fall, but we're mostly seeing the 'light/dark' mix. I really love the dark on dark of this dress, it makes it seem so much more Autumn/winter than all year round, like the other polka dots styles we're seeing. There are some Kate Spade dresses that are similar; specifically the the Pattie and the Alme dresses. But both aren't quite right and are way out of my price range. Though since Kate Spade has declared dots are the theme for September, and the stores seem flooded with the pattern I'm sure I'll find something comparable soon.
So what's your take on the polka dot trend? I know I'm obsessed. Are you totally in love, or does seeing them everywhere give you a hankering for first grade, juice boxes and a sharpie so you can connect the dots? And I know I'm way behind since it isn't even in theaters any more but how do you feel about the Spiderman reboot?
Emma Stone,
Gwen Stacy,
Kate Spade,
Polka Dots,

Thursday, September 13, 2012
25 Random things about me
I've done something similar to this before but I saw it on a very old post of ForeverAmber's blog. She's my new bloggy obsession (ALL THE SHOES) (also her blog) and I'm going back through her blogs until I get to the beginning. So in celebration of my 30th post on this blog I thought I'd tell you 25 Random things about myself.
1. No, I never was any good at Math, why would you say that?
2. Haunted History has been one of my favorite shows since childhood
3. Another favorite show of mine is Scooby Doo, in all his various incarnations. My mother used to compare me to Velma because I read a lot, but my father called me Danger-prone Daphne, and following a crash or an Ouch! you could often hear him shouting "Danger-prone Daphne does it again". (I really was that Klutzy and the nickname has stuck)
4. I have a small scars on my chin and forehead, that I received while dancing in our living room with my dad at the age of 6, I managed to trip over the carpet and hit my face on the baseboard, I was told I was lucky I managed not to break my nose.
5. I've not ever actually broken any bones, but I have bruised my cheekbone and my toe-bones so badly that I thought they were broken. Bonus: When I was pregnant with my son I had a meat slicer fall on my head and narrowly missed cutting of my thumb (and a chunk out of my head) instead getting a regular cut on the top of my thumb. (See above the Danger-prone Daphne thing)
6. I am a big fan of Halloween, and anything haunted or monster, but not gore, or Haunted Houses
7. I hate Haunted Houses because I'm terrified of Clowns. It's an irrational fear, and it stems from I can't imagine how anyone can want to look like that and be sane, and also I saw the movie IT as a child and it scarred me for life
8. I also watched the movie Hellraiser on TV as a child and was not phased, but later that same week I saw Ghostbusters 2 in theaters with my Aunts and was Terrified of Slimer despite the fact I had seen him in Ghostbusters a bazillion times, and loved him in the cartoon.
9. I was a Cheerleader until I managed to hurt myself (before the first game even happened) and joined Drama club instead.
10. I have an insane amount of Nail Polish. I've tried to film a youtube video on my collection, but it was too long and I couldn't edit it down with out cutting out actual polishes.
11. I love what I call 'Fluff Murder Mysteries" which are generally series about women solving murders or crimes that happen in their towns such as the Hannah Swensen series and the Aunt Dimity Series. They're my favorite type of book and if I start reading in the morning I can usually finish 2 or 3 of them in one day
12. I read really fast, and once I start reading I really hate to stop.
13. I was on the Academic Team in Elementary School for my literary skills, since I had read most of the classics by the time I was in 4th grade, my excuse was it was either those or novels my mother deemed to Adult for me in the house.
14. My favorite day of the year is my Birthday, I love my birthday, and presents but mostly my birthday, because it takes place in Autumn.
15. My favorite season is Autumn, I love everything about it, the clothing, the weather, the leaves falling, the wood burning smell that's in the air if you live in a small town.
16. I live in a small town and while I'd like to move closer to Seattle or Boston or Salem or somewhere like that, I'd most likely move to a small town nearby that town.
17. I don't actually believe in Ghosts as they were once people, but do believe in the possibility of "imprinting" or other more far fetched ideas on any given day (I'm still trying to convince my cousin they might be another type of creature)
18. My favorite food are donuts, especially Dunkin Donuts Bavarian Creme, but I love Boston Creme just as much
19. and Pumpkin Coffee, and Pumpkin butter, and Bread, and Pumpkin everything, and Pumpkins in general (that goes with my love of Autumn.)
20. At last count I had 32 pairs of shoes, but I haven't counted in awhile and I'm pretty sure I've bought more since then (read pretty sure as Damn Sure)
21. I wear leggings under my jeans in the winter, or to bed, but following my Leggings are not pants rule, I generally refuse to wear them on their own even with dresses or tunics in public. If you see me in Leggings it is safe to assume I am sick.
22. If you see me outside of my house in sweatpants it is safe to assume I am very sick, and on my way to or from my doctor
23. I have Asthma and also get severe sinus infections frequently.
24. I'm also terribly Allergic to cats and have a terrible reaction to them. Only one cat has ever not bothered me, and that cat is named Tina and is generally known by everyone who meets her as the most Awesome cat to ever exsist.
25. Dogs on the otherhand do not bother me and I hope to someday get a springer spaniel because I think they're the most adorable doggy ever.
And there you have it for my 30th post, 25 Random things about me that you may or may not have already known. If you're my parents or a very close friend I'm sorry for a repeat of information you've heard a bazillion times. And if my mother claims, again, to have not known I bruised my cheekbone, you were there for Pete's sake and you drove me to the blasted hospital. (Also I'm sure there are grammar errors but you can keep them to yourself)
1. No, I never was any good at Math, why would you say that?
2. Haunted History has been one of my favorite shows since childhood
3. Another favorite show of mine is Scooby Doo, in all his various incarnations. My mother used to compare me to Velma because I read a lot, but my father called me Danger-prone Daphne, and following a crash or an Ouch! you could often hear him shouting "Danger-prone Daphne does it again". (I really was that Klutzy and the nickname has stuck)
4. I have a small scars on my chin and forehead, that I received while dancing in our living room with my dad at the age of 6, I managed to trip over the carpet and hit my face on the baseboard, I was told I was lucky I managed not to break my nose.
5. I've not ever actually broken any bones, but I have bruised my cheekbone and my toe-bones so badly that I thought they were broken. Bonus: When I was pregnant with my son I had a meat slicer fall on my head and narrowly missed cutting of my thumb (and a chunk out of my head) instead getting a regular cut on the top of my thumb. (See above the Danger-prone Daphne thing)
6. I am a big fan of Halloween, and anything haunted or monster, but not gore, or Haunted Houses
7. I hate Haunted Houses because I'm terrified of Clowns. It's an irrational fear, and it stems from I can't imagine how anyone can want to look like that and be sane, and also I saw the movie IT as a child and it scarred me for life
8. I also watched the movie Hellraiser on TV as a child and was not phased, but later that same week I saw Ghostbusters 2 in theaters with my Aunts and was Terrified of Slimer despite the fact I had seen him in Ghostbusters a bazillion times, and loved him in the cartoon.
9. I was a Cheerleader until I managed to hurt myself (before the first game even happened) and joined Drama club instead.
10. I have an insane amount of Nail Polish. I've tried to film a youtube video on my collection, but it was too long and I couldn't edit it down with out cutting out actual polishes.
11. I love what I call 'Fluff Murder Mysteries" which are generally series about women solving murders or crimes that happen in their towns such as the Hannah Swensen series and the Aunt Dimity Series. They're my favorite type of book and if I start reading in the morning I can usually finish 2 or 3 of them in one day
12. I read really fast, and once I start reading I really hate to stop.
13. I was on the Academic Team in Elementary School for my literary skills, since I had read most of the classics by the time I was in 4th grade, my excuse was it was either those or novels my mother deemed to Adult for me in the house.
14. My favorite day of the year is my Birthday, I love my birthday, and presents but mostly my birthday, because it takes place in Autumn.
15. My favorite season is Autumn, I love everything about it, the clothing, the weather, the leaves falling, the wood burning smell that's in the air if you live in a small town.
16. I live in a small town and while I'd like to move closer to Seattle or Boston or Salem or somewhere like that, I'd most likely move to a small town nearby that town.
17. I don't actually believe in Ghosts as they were once people, but do believe in the possibility of "imprinting" or other more far fetched ideas on any given day (I'm still trying to convince my cousin they might be another type of creature)
18. My favorite food are donuts, especially Dunkin Donuts Bavarian Creme, but I love Boston Creme just as much
19. and Pumpkin Coffee, and Pumpkin butter, and Bread, and Pumpkin everything, and Pumpkins in general (that goes with my love of Autumn.)
20. At last count I had 32 pairs of shoes, but I haven't counted in awhile and I'm pretty sure I've bought more since then (read pretty sure as Damn Sure)
21. I wear leggings under my jeans in the winter, or to bed, but following my Leggings are not pants rule, I generally refuse to wear them on their own even with dresses or tunics in public. If you see me in Leggings it is safe to assume I am sick.
22. If you see me outside of my house in sweatpants it is safe to assume I am very sick, and on my way to or from my doctor
23. I have Asthma and also get severe sinus infections frequently.
24. I'm also terribly Allergic to cats and have a terrible reaction to them. Only one cat has ever not bothered me, and that cat is named Tina and is generally known by everyone who meets her as the most Awesome cat to ever exsist.
25. Dogs on the otherhand do not bother me and I hope to someday get a springer spaniel because I think they're the most adorable doggy ever.
And there you have it for my 30th post, 25 Random things about me that you may or may not have already known. If you're my parents or a very close friend I'm sorry for a repeat of information you've heard a bazillion times. And if my mother claims, again, to have not known I bruised my cheekbone, you were there for Pete's sake and you drove me to the blasted hospital. (Also I'm sure there are grammar errors but you can keep them to yourself)
Nail Polish,
Random Facts,
Scooby Doo,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Loft event: Bust
Maybe I didn't do it right, but the Loft "event" was a bust. I went in, the lady smiled at me welcomed me to the store and wondered off. There was a table full of water bottles that said Loft and Izze fizzy drinks (or some similar company). Other than that there wasn't really any sort of event. There were bunches of ladies milling about shopping and chatting as you do when you shop with a friend. I know there was a sign that said there was to be a drawing for a shopping spree, and other highlights of the event but I didn't see any actual eventing happening. So I tried on clothes.
(Warning unflattering pictures of me ahead)
A dress that I thought would make me feel like Daphne from Scooby Doo
and a stripey dress that I thought I might love
and hated them all except a grey dress
I adored that dress, but I didn't buy it. I know what you're saying why why didn't you buy it? I don't really know. The Daphne dress gave me weird hips and might have been better if I could have gone up a size but they didn't have one, and the stripey dress is really just sort of hilarious, but that grey dress, I need that in my life, it was fabulous. It made me feel floaty and lovely and mad men-ish.
Then I left having bought nothing and wandered over to the Limited, where I bought things, 5 things exactly but you can't see them yet. They're lovely and wonderful and there will be posts on them later.
(Warning unflattering pictures of me ahead)
A dress that I thought would make me feel like Daphne from Scooby Doo
and a stripey dress that I thought I might love
and hated them all except a grey dress
I adored that dress, but I didn't buy it. I know what you're saying why why didn't you buy it? I don't really know. The Daphne dress gave me weird hips and might have been better if I could have gone up a size but they didn't have one, and the stripey dress is really just sort of hilarious, but that grey dress, I need that in my life, it was fabulous. It made me feel floaty and lovely and mad men-ish.
Then I left having bought nothing and wandered over to the Limited, where I bought things, 5 things exactly but you can't see them yet. They're lovely and wonderful and there will be posts on them later.
Friday, September 7, 2012
No FNO for ME
I didn't get to go to the FNO event I was planning on attending. Instead I came down with a last minute fever, sore throat and other various signs of illness. So instead my wonderful husband bought me Easy A (which I watched as soon as we got home) and Bad Teacher (To be watched with the aforementioned wonderful husband at a later date). I also bought a lovely Autumny polka dot straw tumbler cup from the Hallmark Store, and ordered a pet ghost that I can pick up next week.
After watching Easy A, I curled up with soup and the first Season of Mad Men, which I must admit that I haven't watched until last night. Four episodes in I've discovered I need a pencil skirt, an A-line skirt, and where my love of things that button or zip at the back of the neck come from and how I must buy more (or any of them, I think I got rid of my only one in my closet clear out post). I'm feeling a bit better today, as I'm heading to Loft tomorrow to look for something suitable to wear to my birthday tea that will probably only happen in my head. I will still buy and wear something fancy, but usually my husband goes with the standard "Lovely gift, cart around to Sephora, BN, and Ulta then fancy dinner " combo, and even though it's a standard I do love it, and it does take him much driving effort as I'm terrified of "Highway and Big City" driving. The other good news is Loft is having a styling event tomorrow, in honor of Fashion Week I suppose, so I will be seeing what that's all about fever of not. (I do carry tissues, sanitizer and Tylenol with me everywhere anyways.)
After watching Easy A, I curled up with soup and the first Season of Mad Men, which I must admit that I haven't watched until last night. Four episodes in I've discovered I need a pencil skirt, an A-line skirt, and where my love of things that button or zip at the back of the neck come from and how I must buy more (or any of them, I think I got rid of my only one in my closet clear out post). I'm feeling a bit better today, as I'm heading to Loft tomorrow to look for something suitable to wear to my birthday tea that will probably only happen in my head. I will still buy and wear something fancy, but usually my husband goes with the standard "Lovely gift, cart around to Sephora, BN, and Ulta then fancy dinner " combo, and even though it's a standard I do love it, and it does take him much driving effort as I'm terrified of "Highway and Big City" driving. The other good news is Loft is having a styling event tomorrow, in honor of Fashion Week I suppose, so I will be seeing what that's all about fever of not. (I do carry tissues, sanitizer and Tylenol with me everywhere anyways.)
Bad Teacher,
Easy A,
Emma Stone,
Fashion Week,
Mad Men,
Polka Dot,
Polka Dots,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Fashion's Night Out
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I may be going to a Fashion Night Out event. Obviously I wasn't invited in an official blogger/vlogger capacity, being that my channel has roughly 60 amazing veiwers and my blog has less than 10 subscribers. I'm good with this though, it makes me think more about my content so I can ensure that it's quality.
There are factors that may cause me not to go, but providing it all works out I plan on vlogging my experience, and doing an OOTD about what I wear. I may even do a hair and makeup tutorial. OMG, I suck at doing those, so much editing, and making sure it's perfect, and easy to follow with little of my signature "but ums..." They make me nervous.
Speaking of nervous, I'm so excited about the possibility of going that I've made myself quite nauseous. This sort of event is something I dream about attending, but since I fail as a planner and I have a child that requires either for the husband to stay home, or a sitter to be acquired, my plans sometimes end up falling through. I'd be stunningly heartbroken if they did. So far the prospects are looking good, with my bestie 'T' tentatively having agreed to attend with me (if she can't go I can't, the driving is too far for me as I'm a new driver), and outfits are being planned. As long as our sitter doesn't fall through, then things should be good.
I just have to end this with a Squee!
I may be going to a Fashion Night Out event. Obviously I wasn't invited in an official blogger/vlogger capacity, being that my channel has roughly 60 amazing veiwers and my blog has less than 10 subscribers. I'm good with this though, it makes me think more about my content so I can ensure that it's quality.
There are factors that may cause me not to go, but providing it all works out I plan on vlogging my experience, and doing an OOTD about what I wear. I may even do a hair and makeup tutorial. OMG, I suck at doing those, so much editing, and making sure it's perfect, and easy to follow with little of my signature "but ums..." They make me nervous.
Speaking of nervous, I'm so excited about the possibility of going that I've made myself quite nauseous. This sort of event is something I dream about attending, but since I fail as a planner and I have a child that requires either for the husband to stay home, or a sitter to be acquired, my plans sometimes end up falling through. I'd be stunningly heartbroken if they did. So far the prospects are looking good, with my bestie 'T' tentatively having agreed to attend with me (if she can't go I can't, the driving is too far for me as I'm a new driver), and outfits are being planned. As long as our sitter doesn't fall through, then things should be good.
I just have to end this with a Squee!
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